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Your Invoice Tool administrator must first create an invoice specification before orders can be created.", "noNetworkNodesAvailable": "No network hierarchy has been created for this project. You can restrict orders according to network points when they have been labeled.", "noAccessToNetworkNodes": "You do not have the required permission \"Documentation\" to read the network hierarchy of this project. Please contact your administrator if necessary." } } } }, "ordersDetails": { "components": { "table": { "title": "Abrechnungen", "addButton": "Generate new dataset", "downloadCsvTooltip": "Download CSV", "downloadGeopackageTooltip": "Download Geopackage", "invoiceDatasetPending": "Creating invoice dataset ...", "invoiceDatasetPendingLong": "Calculation taking longer than expected", "invoiceDatasetPendingLongTooltip": "We have been notified and are looking into the issue. Once the issue is addressed, we will notify your administrator.", "invoiceDatasetFailed": "Calculation failed", "invoiceDatasetFailedTooltip": "We have been notified and are looking into the issue. Once the issue is addressed, we will notify your administrator.", "emptyState": { "title": "No invoice datasets found" }, "header": { "name": "Date" } } } }, "invoiceDatasetsDetails": { "title": "Invoice Dataset - {{date}}", "components": { "invoiceDatasetPending": "Invoice Summary Items are being calculated", "invoiceDatasetPendingDescription": "This may take a moment ...", "invoiceDatasetPendingLong": "Calculation taking longer than expected", "invoiceDatasetPendingLongDescription": "We have been notified and are looking into the issue. Once the issue is addressed, we will notify your administrator.", "invoiceDatasetFailed": "Calculation failed", "invoiceDatasetFailedDescription": "We have been notified and are looking into the issue. Once the issue is addressed, we will notify your administrator.", "table": { "title": "Invoice Specification Items", "addButton": "Neue Abrechnung erstellen", "emptyState": { "title": "No invoice specification items found" }, "header": { "name": "Invoice Specification Item", "invoicedMeters": "To invoice (m)", "addedMeters": "Added (m)", "subtractedMeters": "Subtracted (m)" }, "tooltips": { "invoicedMeters": "Trass meters to be invoiced in this invoice, that meet the criteria of the invoice specification item", "addedMeters": "Trass meters added since the last invoice, that meet the criteria of the invoice specification item", "subtractedMeters": "Trass meters subtracted since the last invoice, that meet the criteria of the invoice specification item" } }, "buttons": { "delete": "Delete Invoice Dataset", "downloadGeopackage": "Download Geopackage", "downloadCsv": "Download CSV" } }, "messages": { "deleteSuccess": "Invoice Dataset deleted successfully" } }, "noAccess": { "title": "You do not have access to the Invoice Tool", "description": "Please contact your administrator" } }, "common": { "search": "Search", "rowsPerPage": "Entries per page:", "displayedRows": "{{from}}-{{to}} of {{count}}", "surfaceTypes": { "ASPHALT": "Asphalt", "CONCRETE": "Concrete", "UNPAVED_GRASS": "Unpaved Grass", "HIGH_QUALITY_BRICK": "High Quality Brick", "SIMPLE_BRICK": "Simple Brick" }, "layingTypes": { "OPEN_CONSTRUCTION": "Open Construction", "HORIZONTAL_DIRECTIONAL_DRILLING": "Horizontal Directional Drilling", "PLOUGH": "Plough", "PULL": "Pull", "SOIL_DISPLACEMENT": "Soil Displacement", "LAYJET": "Layjet", "MICRO_TRENCHING": "Micro Trenching" }, "usageTypes": { "HOUSE_LEAD": "House Lead", "TRASS": "Trass" }, "organization": "Organization", "invoiceSpecificationItem": "Invoice specification item", "invoiceSpecificationItems": "Invoice specification items", "cancel": "Cancel", "save": "Save", "errors": { "minLargerThanMax": "Min. must be smaller than Max." } }, "error": { "pageNotFound": "This page was not found", "authenticationFailed": "Authentication failed", "returnToMainPage": "Return to main page" } }